Value Through Solutions®

Semblex Hosts National Manufacturing Day

  • Nov 9, 2018

Semblex Hosts National Manufacturing Day

November 9, 2018

Friday, November 9th was a fun and special day at Semblex as we were able to host nearly 30 students/faculty from Technical Center of DuPage (TCD) here in Elmhurst for National Manufacturing Day.

The intent was to engage our local community and in particular students, to help them learn more about what a career in manufacturing might look like, opportunities within the manufacturing environment, and generally speaking, increase awareness of our industry.

Internally, it was an opportunity to take advantage of several talented and willing employees to serve as ambassadors for manufacturing and particularly Semblex as they interacted with the students during introductions, welcome and presentations, tours of various departments, and providing hospitality.

In the end, the students and faculty were pleasantly pleased with the wealth of information that was shared while at Semblex.

Here are some comments we received on the student survey feed-back forms after the event.

After today’s visit, how did your opinion of manufacturing change?

“There’s so many different things that go into making things here. I am surprised at how many different jobs there are too.” – Student 1#

“Manufacturing seems fun and I would definitely join.” – Student 2#


What did you find to be the most interesting during your visit?

“Seeing how each of the machines work” – Student 3#

“The machinery room, the way the machines work and how dirty I can get my hands” – Student 4#

Semblex Host Students from COD

Semblex Plant with students from COD